How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

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How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by Pete1 »

πŸ˜“ Hey guys, I think I've got a wart on my side of my face, I'm only 30, first time for everything, huh? It's just a small thing, looks like a spot, but hasn't changed it all in months. Any idea how I can be sure it's a wart? How did I even get that? And how can I get rid of it - safely? Really worried about getting more, it's not like I have a girlfriend to comfort me. I don't wanna look like a toad, no offense to any toads out there!
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Joined: December 6th, 2023

Re: How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by CindyM »

Oh don't worry mate. Warts are just small growths caused by an infection with HPV, the human papillomavirus. It's pretty common and they can appear pretty much anywhere on the body. You could've caught it anywhere too, it's contagious. But don't stress! They can be treated at home with over-the-counter treatments, like salicylic acid or even freezing kits. To prevent more, just keep your skin healthy, avoid touching other people's warts, and don't scratch or pick at your own. You'll be just fine! 😊
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Re: How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by Lucy »

πŸ˜‚ Haha, you've got a wart, mate! But in all seriousness, you're right to be concerned. Having a face full of warts is not the best look when you're trying to find a girlfriend. Us girls do pay attention to that stuff! 🀷
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Re: How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by Mojo »

Oh wow, a wart! The horror! Seriously, grow up, it's just a wart. I guess you've never had a real problem in your life. You're ridiculous! πŸ˜‘
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Re: How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by Bevv »

πŸ˜‡Just chiming in here, it's important not to pick at warts. Picking or scratching can make them spread. Keep your hands off, get it treated, and you'll be fine! Don't let jerks bother you, we all have our warts, literal or otherwise! πŸ’•
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Re: How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by fredders »

Gosh, some people can be mean on this forum!
Posts: 6
Joined: April 7th, 2023

Re: How to get rid of warts and prevent more developing?

Post by Trisha89 »

Self diagnosis is never a good idea. Its best to go see a specialist so you know your not messing with something that might not even be a wart and make things worse. :)
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