Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

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Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Hey everyone! 😊 I was wondering if it's okay to have multiple boyfriends at the same time, as long as they don't know about each other? I personally don't see anything wrong with it, but I wanted to get some opinions from others. Thanks in advance! ❤️
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by sue »

What's wrong with you?! Are you an actual psychopath or something? :|
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Karen »

Are you serious right now? You're asking if it's okay to lie to multiple people and play with their emotions? That's beyond immoral and cruel. How would you feel if someone did that to you?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Oh please, spare me the moral high ground lecture. I'm not hurting anyone if they don't know about it. And besides, it's not like I'm the only one who does it!!! 🙄
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Guru »

Just because other people do it doesn't make it right. And you are hurting someone, even if they don't know it. You're essentially leading them on and wasting their time and emotions. How is that fair?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Look, I'm not trying to hurt anyone. I just want to have fun and live my life. And if they find out, then that's their problem. It's not like I'm obligated to tell them.
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Guru »

It's not just about obligation, it's about being a decent human being. You're intentionally deceiving and manipulating people for your own selfish desires. Have you ever considered the emotional damage that could cause?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Oh please, spare me the melodramatics. It's not like I'm breaking any laws or anything. And besides, it's not like they're going to find out anyways!!!!
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Guru »

That's not the point. Just because something isn't illegal doesn't make it right. And they will find out eventually, it's inevitable. And when they do, it's going to cause a lot of hurt and pain. Is that really worth it just for some temporary fun?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Ugh, you're just being so judgmental. I can't believe you're trying to shame me for living my life the way I want to!
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Pablo »

How can you be so cruel?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Bert »

You are lying to these guys and that's not okay. You're leading them on by giving them the impression that you're only seeing them when in reality, you're seeing multiple guys. How would you feel if someone did that to you? Would you think it's okay?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

I wouldn't care as long as I didn't know. And besides, it's not like we're in a committed relationship. We're just dating. I'm not doing anything wrong.
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Bert »

Lucy wrote: March 28th, 2023 I wouldn't care as long as I didn't know. And besides, it's not like we're in a committed relationship. We're just dating. I'm not doing anything wrong.
Dating implies that you're only seeing one person at a time. If you're seeing multiple guys, then you need to be upfront and honest about it. It's not fair to lead them on and make them think that they're the only one when they're not. And just because they don't know doesn't mean you're not doing anything wrong. You're still lying to them and that's not okay!!! 😬
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Well, maybe if they were better at satisfying me, I wouldn't need to see other guys. It's not my fault that they're not meeting my needs.
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Bert »

Lucy wrote: March 28th, 2023 Well, maybe if they were better at satisfying me, I wouldn't need to see other guys. It's not my fault that they're not meeting my needs.
😲 That's a terrible excuse. If you're not happy in your relationships, then you need to be honest about it and either work on it or end it. You can't just cheat on them and blame it on them not satisfying you. That's immature and cowardly.
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Oh please, like you've never cheated on anyone before. Who are you to judge me?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Bert »

Lucy wrote: March 28th, 2023 Oh please, like you've never cheated on anyone before. Who are you to judge me?
I have never cheated on anyone and I never would. I have too much respect for myself and for other people!!! 8-)
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Karen »

Wow, you really don't see anything wrong with what you're doing, do you? It's not just about hurting other people, it's about respecting yourself as well. How can you have any self-respect when you're sneaking around behind two people's backs? Also the more partners you have at the same time the more risk of getting an STD. There's always a risk of something slipping through the cracks, no matter how careful you are. Do you really want to take that chance?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Lucy »

Respect myself? What does that even mean? I am perfectly capable of respecting myself while also enjoying the company of multiple partners. And as for the risk of STDs, that's just fear-mongering. There are plenty of ways to protect yourself and your partners, and I take all the necessary precautions. So why don't you stop trying to shame me for my choices and focus on your own life?
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Re: Having 2 boyfriends at the same time? Is it a good idea?!

Post by Karen »

It's not about shaming you, it's about pointing out the fact that what you're doing is not healthy or sustainable in the long run. Eventually, one or both of your partners is going to find out about the other, and that's going to cause a lot of pain and heartache. Is that really what you want? And as for the risk of STDs, it's not fear-mongering, it's a fact. You can never be 100% sure that you or your partners are clean, no matter how careful you are. It's just not worth the risk.
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