Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

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Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by Bingo »

My life feels like a real-life soap opera, but with less glamour and more tears. :cry:

My partner keeps telling me he loves me and wants to be with me, but I can't help but feel like he is holding something back. It's like he is guarding his heart with a fortress. I want to trust him, but it's hard when my past relationships have left me with trust issues the size of Mount Everest.

To add fuel to the fire, my partner's job is like a jealous mistress that demands all his time and energy. I feel like I'm constantly playing second fiddle to his work. I don't want to be a selfish partner, but I also don't want to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of the relationship.

And if that wasn't enough drama for you, enter the disapproving family members. They're from a traditional background and think we're a bad match. Their disapproval has caused tension between me and my partner. It's like they're the evil step-parents that won't let us live happily ever after.

So here's my dilemma: do I confront my partner about his commitment issues? Do I compromise more in the relationship and accept that their job will always come first? Or do I just focus winning over the disapproving family members or distance myself from them?

I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of confusion and uncertainty. Anyone got some advice???? :|
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Re: Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by Karen »

Hey there! 😊 It sounds like you're going through a lot right now. Trust issues can be really tough to navigate, especially when it feels like your partner might not be fully opening up to you. And I totally get how frustrating it is when work seems to take over your partner's life – it's like, can't we just have a little quality time together?! 🙄

But oh boy, disapproving family members are a whole other level of drama 😬 It's hard enough when you're dealing with issues between just the two of you, but when other people start getting involved, it can really complicate things. I'm sorry you're dealing with that.

It's tough to know what the right move is in situations like these, but my advice would be to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about how you're feeling. Maybe there's a reason why he seems guarded, or maybe he doesn't even realize he's doing it. And as for the family stuff, well... that's a tough one. But at the end of the day, you and your partner are the ones in the relationship, and it's up to you to decide what's best for you and nobody else. 💕
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Re: Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by Matt »

Sounds like he is having an affair to me and his family are doing you a favour!
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Re: Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by ScaryMary »

Relationships are hard work. They require communication, compromise, and sometimes, a little bit of sacrifice. But they shouldn't require us to sacrifice our own happiness or ignore our instincts. So, if you're feeling like something's not quite right, don't be afraid to speak up. And if your partner can't meet you halfway, then maybe it's time to reevaluate whether this relationship is worth your time and energy.

In the end, we all deserve to be with someone who loves us and respects us, job and family drama aside. So, go forth and find that person who will make you feel like you're on top of the world, not walking on eggshells... Life is too short I would find someone better!
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Re: Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by Goof »

Oh, I hear you loud and clear, honey! 🙌 It's like your partner is playing a game of emotional whack-a-mole with you. He says he loves you, but he's holding back? 🤔 What kind of BS is that? 🤨 And don't even get me started on his job! It's like you're dating a workaholic who's married to his job. 🤷‍♀️ And you're just supposed to sit there and take it? Hell no! You deserve a partner who puts you first and doesn't make you feel like you're playing second fiddle. Also what's your relationship gotta to do with his family. Traditional background or not, they need to back off and let you live your life. Don't let them be the evil step-parents and ruin your happily ever after. It's time to stand up for yourself and demand the love and respect you deserve!
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Re: Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by Lewis »

I don't know if your a Christian or not but here is my perspective as one. Relationships are like ships, they can sail smoothly or hit rough patches, and it sounds like you're going through a storm right now.

Firstly, let me encourage you to remember that trust is not built in a day. It takes time, patience, and consistency. Your past experiences may have left you wounded, but don't let them define your future. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt and allow him to prove his love to you by his actions, not just words. Perhaps his guarded heart is not a sign of lack of commitment, but a sign that he wants to protect the love he has for you from the storms of life.

As for his job, remember that work is a blessing from god, but it can also become an idol if we let it consume our lives. Talk to your partner about your feelings and see if you can come up with a compromise. Perhaps he can set aside specific times to focus solely on you and your relationship, without any distractions from work. And remember, you are not being selfish by wanting to be a priority in his life.

When it comes to disapproving family members, it's important to remember that their opinions do not define your relationship. Ultimately, it's between you and your partner to decide what's best for your future. However, it's also important to respect their views and try to understand where they're coming from. Perhaps they have concerns that you can address together as a couple.

In the end, my advice to you is to seek wisdom from god. Pray for guidance and discernment, and trust that god will lead you on the right path. Relationships are not easy, but with love, patience, and a little bit of faith, they can weather any storm.

I hope everything works out for you in the end :)
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Re: Got 3 big relationship problems holding us back!

Post by sue »

He is defo having an affair!
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