It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

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It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

Post by Matt »

What is wrong with the BBC? Are they out to destroy our freedom of expression and thought? It certainly seems so, given their recent call for custodial sentences for spreading "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories." What happened to the idea of free speech? Are we living in China or North Korea?

The BBC's extremist far-left agenda has gone too far. They have become the thought police, dictating what we can and cannot say. Who gave them this power? Is this the kind of democracy we want to live in? It's time for the BBC to go. They have too much power and influence over the politics of our country, and it's time for them to be held accountable for their actions.

The BBC's latest report on "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" is extremely dodgy. Who decides what is "misinformation" and what is not? What if what they consider to be "misinformation" is actually the truth? Are we going to be locked up for expressing our opinions? This is a slippery slope towards totalitarianism.

The fact that Labour MPs in the report are on board with this idea is extremely worrying. Are they also in favour of locking up people for expressing their opinions? Are they in favour of censorship and thought control? What happened to the Labour Party that used to fight for freedom of expression and thought?

It's time for the people of this country to take a stand against the BBC and their extremist far-left agenda. We should not be forced to pay for propaganda that erodes away our freedoms. It's time for the BBC to be completely dismantled and replaced with a media organization that is impartial and respects our right to free speech.

The BBC needs to go. They have become the enemy of free speech and thought. We cannot allow them to dictate what we can and cannot say. It's time for us to take back control and demand a media that respects our freedoms and values. Who's with me?! :x
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Re: It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

Post by Ian »

Yup, I watched their report too and it truly was a load of bollocks! I still cannot believe we are still being forced to pay the bloody license fee to fund this far-left propaganda machine that hates us as white men. It's like we're willingly handing over our hard-earned cash to be insulted and belittled every single day. And for what? So we can be told what to think and how to feel by a bunch of overpaid talking heads who wouldn't know the truth if it smacked them in the face.

But here's the thing, the BBC has always been an enemy to this country, even during World War II. Did you know that their reporting actually sank ships and put our soldiers in danger? That's where the phrase "loose lips sink ships" comes from, mate. And yet, we're still expected to trust them with our news and information? It's laughable.

And if they're going to be throwing people in jail for "misinformation", then the BBC reporters should be the first ones to be locked up. They're the ones who are spewing lies and propaganda day in and day out, after all. It's time to hold them accountable for their actions and put an end to their reign of terror.

We need to stop paying for their lies and propaganda...
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Re: It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

Post by Pablo »

Absolutely agree! It's outrageous that we are forced to fund such a biased and leftist organization.
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Re: It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

Post by Mojo »

what's with all the fuss about the BBC? Ain't nobody forcing you to tune in if you don't want to. You can always switch to ITV or some other channel that suits your fancy. But I reckon the real reason you're moaning about the Beeb is because they're not pandering to your racist views. They're actually standing up for the coloured folks and you don't like that, do ya? Well, tough luck mate, the world is changing and you better get used to it. And as for holding them accountable, who's gonna do that? You? Ha! You're just a bloke with a keyboard and a chip on your shoulder. The BBC is here to stay, whether you like it or not.
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Re: It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

Post by Pablo »

Mojo wrote: April 4th, 2023 what's with all the fuss about the BBC? Ain't nobody forcing you to tune in if you don't want to. You can always switch to ITV or some other channel that suits your fancy. But I reckon the real reason you're moaning about the Beeb is because they're not pandering to your racist views. They're actually standing up for the coloured folks and you don't like that, do ya? Well, tough luck mate, the world is changing and you better get used to it. And as for holding them accountable, who's gonna do that? You? Ha! You're just a bloke with a keyboard and a chip on your shoulder. The BBC is here to stay, whether you like it or not.
What's with all the fuss? Are you kidding me? Ain't nobody forcing us to tune in? Well, mate, try telling that to the millions of people who are forced to pay the damn license fee every year, whether they want to or not. So don't you dare tell me that we have a choice.

And who are you to say that the reason we're moaning about the Beeb is because they're not pandering to our racist views? That's a pretty bold accusation, mate. In fact, it's downright insulting. You're the one bringing race into the matter and attacking white people all the time on the forums. It's like you're trying to create a problem where there isn't one.
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Re: It's time to get rid of the biased Far-Left BBC!

Post by dave33 »

Looks like the newsreaders will all be out of jobs anyway. Apparently the BBC are being forced to make loads of them redundant to save millions. Serves them right I cannot stand them especially their warped propaganda coverage during the pandemic. :lol:
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